Monday, February 17, 2014

Jim Fregosi (#367, #170)

A quick look at the cards of Jim Fregosi, who passed away on Friday.

I was a bit surprised that Fregosi was selected to the 1967 All-Star team. Luis Aparicio had the advantage of his reputation, and a 1966 World Series championship behind him, but as the back of Fregosi's base card says, he led all shortstops in 1967 with a .290 batting average.

I previously posted Fregosi's 1966 and 1967 cards to those blogs.

Rest in Peace, Jim Fregosi.

1 comment:

Douglas said...

I started to follow baseball in 1969. It was a down time for the Angels, the handmaiden team to the Dodgers. Fregosi to me was the serious player who could hurt the opposition. He was the leader, on a teams of less than average talent. His cards showed him as sometimes serious sometimes smiling, but always confident and competent.

So while Jim toiled in semi-obscurity. While Dodgers were on prime time TV shows like Mr Ed or the Munsters. Fregosi appeared on the syndicated Truth or Consequences show. My Fregosi memory.